What the Muck?
It’s February and it’s 9 degrees. It’s been raining a little, but the weather, for this time of the year, could only be described as nice.
It was time to get the crew together and loop around in the forests north of the city.
After collecting 5 rascals at Nils’s house we headed out into the wet and slippery outdoors. 4 out of the 5 riders were using at least 2″ tires.
The loop (see below) is somewhat technical since it takes you around several lakes, very close to the water, where the tree roots are all sticking out. As always, it’s flat, mostly, and at times runs by other humans (Liepnizsee has loads of hikers around it).
This time around the loop was still covered in ice in many places which called for extra caution. It makes no difference how wide one’s tires are, when the dirt path turns to ice, just keep going straight and do not try to break.
File Under: Highly recommended.
GPS Track: https://www.strava.com/activities/872359784